Thursday, July 22, 2010

Creative Picture of public figure

So this week i gonna share a person who are very creative in this world.

This is the great guy i was talking about. He is Alexander Graham Bell. Hewas a Scottish scientist and inventor who immigrated to Canada. Today, Bell is widely considered one of the foremost developers of the telephone, together with Antonio Meucci, inventor of the first telephone prototype, and Philipp Reis. Six years after having obtained his telephone patent, he became a naturalized citizen of the United States. In addition to Bell's work in telecommunications technology, he was responsible for important advances in aviation and hydrofoil technology. Is the invention of telephone is novelty and creative? I think the answer is yes. The earlier people communicate to each other by letters, signals or telegraph, but Bell figured out a new way to communicate, which is telephone. With Bell's creative thinking and wisdom, his invention has brings many benefits to people.

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